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    Victor Julien-Laferrière | cello 
    Jonathan Fournel | piano 

    Victor Julien-Laferrrière on the cello and Jonathan Fournel on the piano as romanticism meets modernity.

    Photos de Victor Julien-Laferrière © Roderik Kucavik, Jonathan Fournel © Marco Borggreve
    Victor Julien-Laferrière © Roderik Kucavik, Jonathan Fournel © Marco Borggreve

    Mendelssohn Sonata for cello and piano No. 1 Op. 45
    Kodály Sonata for cello and piano Op. 4
    Brahms Sonata for cello and piano No. 2 Op. 99 

     Young audience workshops  Poum Tchak Pâââ ! Les percussions de l’orchestre (7-10 years old)

    An accomplished cellist and regular at our concerts performs with a pianist described by Le Figaro as the “new Gilels”, whose technique exhibits a “clever mixture of untamed instinct and poetic sophistication”. Victor Julien-Laferrière and Jonathan Fournel share the distinction of winning the prestigious Queen Elisabeth Music Competition in Belgium (in 2017 and 2021 respectively). Here, they are making their way through romantic Germany and the less travelled paths of Central Europe. Mendelssohn meets Brahms, and Opus 4 (1910) by Kodály seeks out a form of modernity featuring borrowings from the tradition of the Hungarian countryside and harmonies inspired by Debussy. It is guaranteed to transport us to pastures new

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées