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    Liya Petrova | violin 
    Adam Laloum | piano 

    Adam Laloum at the piano and Liya Petrova on violin for an early twentieth-century programme.

    Photos d'Adam Laloum © Julien Benhamou, Liya Petrova © Simon Fowler
    Adam Laloum © Julien Benhamou, Liya Petrova © Simon Fowler

    Debussy  Sonata for violin and piano L. 140
    Respighi Sonata for violin and piano Op. 110
    Strauss Sonata for violin and piano Op. 18

     Young audience workshops   Atelier Chantons à tue-tête ! (4-6 years old)

    A rare mid-morning treat: Respighi’s post-Franck Violin Sonata in B minor, written at the height of World War I. Liya Petrova (a former student of Augustin Dumay and Renaud Capuçon) shone in a recent recording of this work with Adam Laloum. In the words of the dazzled Gramophone reviewer, she “relishes the lyric imperative, the effusiveness of the writing, bringing her impassioned Slavic nature to bear on it”. Early Strauss and late Debussy bookend this vast triptych. In 1917, Debussy wanted to prove that “thirty million [Germans] cannot destroy French thought”. He died before the Armistice and never completed the six planned works. Although he wanted it to be “full of life, almost joyous”, this work, dedicated “to those who can read between the lines of the stave”, would in fact be his requiem.

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées