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    Le Carnaval des animaux

    Grand zoological fantasy
    Camille Saint-Saëns

    Saint-Saëns’ grand zoological fantasy will enchant adults and children alike.

    Dessin du Carnaval des animaux © Grégoire Pont
    Le Carnaval des animaux © Grégoire Pont
    Le Carnaval des animaux © Grégoire Pont
    Le Carnaval des animaux © Grégoire Pont
    Dessin du Carnaval des animaux © Grégoire Pont
    Le Carnaval des animaux © Grégoire Pont

    Grégoire Pont | illustrator, text and projection of live illustrations 
    Emmanuel Bénèche | narrator 
    Orchestre Appassionato
    Mathieu Herzog | direction 

    Although it was intended for an adult audience, Saint-Saëns’ “grand zoological fantasy”, composed after his Symphony No. 3 “with organ”, also appeals to young music lovers. Obviously, youngsters will not yet appreciate that the barnyard is a nod to Rameau, that the tortoises plod to motifs from Orpheus in the Underworld, and that the elephants lumber all over Berlioz, etc. However, with or without these references, young and old alike will be charmed by the majestic swan and the magic of the aquarium, enjoy the leaping kangaroos and the tentative scales of novice pianists, and recognise several fossilised nursery rhymes. “What a beautiful beast is the Carnaval des Animaux!

    Coréalisation Jeanine Roze Production / Théâtre des Champs-Elysées