
Nikolay Khozyainov | piano

Virtuoso pianist Nikolay Khozyainov returns to avenue Montaigne.

photo de  Nikolay Khozyainov © Marie Staggat
Nikolay Khozyainov © Marie Staggat

Schumann Variations on a theme by Beethoven, WoO 31
Khozyainov Fantaisie (French Premiere, 2024) 
Stravinsky 3 movements of Petrouchka 
Chopin 24 Preludes 

Pianist and composer Nikolay Khozyainov is considered one of today's most talented musicians. He has seduced audiences on the most prestigious stages on every continent.

Coréalisation Les Amis de Nikolay Khozyainov | Théâtre des Champs-Elysées