

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 

The ever-intriguing Mozart legend is served up here by a quartet in its prime.

Photo de Bertrand De Billy © Marco Borggreve
Bertrand De Billy © Marco Borggreve
Photo de Lisette Oropesa, Eve-Maud Hubeaux - Droits réservés
Lisette Oropesa, Eve-Maud Hubeaux - Droits réservés
Photo de Cyrille Dubois et Jean Teitgen - Droits réservés
Cyrille Dubois et Jean Teitgen - Droits réservés

Lisette Oropesa | soprano
Eve-Maud Hubeaux | mezzo-soprano 
Cyrille Dubois | tenor
Jean Teitgen | bass

Bertrand de Billy | direction
Orchestre National de France
Chœur de Radio France | direction Lionel Sow 
Maîtrise de Radio France | direction Sofi Jeanin  

First part 
Poulenc  Sept Répons des ténèbres 

No other musical work has ever had such a dark legacy, fuelled by two centuries of legends. The circumstances surrounding the composition of the Requiem are shrouded in romantic mystery. We now know that the work was commissioned by Count Walsegg, a great music lover, who intended to hold a requiem mass in honour of his deceased wife. We also know that the composition process was interrupted when the musician died, probably in early 1791, and that it was completed by his students Eybler and then Süssmayer. What makes this concert particularly interesting is the choice of the piece Sept Répons des ténèbres by Poulenc in the first half. Poulenc never lost sight of his faith during his lifetime or in his compositions. Although we are familiar with his Stabat, Salve Regina, Litanies à la Vierge, and of course his Dialogues des Carmélites, the Sept Répons, which is rarely performed on the concert stage, is worthy of a place in his sacred pantheon and many subtle performance nuances are required to convey the infinite sadness which permeates the work.

Production  Les Grandes Voix