
Giulio Cesare in Egitto

George Frideric Handel

One of Handel's masterpieces by stage director Damiano Michieletto and Philippe Jaroussky, making his Parisian debut in the pit.

Giulio cesare
© Vincent Pontet
Giulio Cesare
© Vincent Pontet
Giulio Cesare
© Vincent Pontet
Giulio Cesare
© Vincent Pontet

Philippe Jaroussky | direction
Damiano Michieletto | staging
Thomas Wilhelm | choreography
Paolo Fantin | scenography
Agostino Cavalca | costumes
Cécile Kretschmar | hairdressing make-up, masks
Alessandro Carletti | lights

Gaëlle Arquez | Giulio Cesare
Sabine Devieilhe | Cleopatra
Franco Fagioli | Sesto
Lucile Richardot | Cornelia
Carlo Vistoli | Tolomeo
Francesco Salvadori | Achilla
Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian | Nireno
Adrien Fournaison | Curio

Ensemble Artaserse

Sung in Italian, with French and English subtitles

First performed in 1724, Giulio Cesare, undoubtedly one of the composer's most successful works, is above all a love story. Whereas in many of Handel's operas, but also in those of many other composers, conflicts of power often thwart the impulses of the heart, here it is the divergent reasons of state that favour the blossoming and affirmation of the most tender feelings. Handel stands by the power of love, superior to personal interests and other political calculations.

For his first appearance in the pit in Paris with his Artaserse ensemble, Philippe Jaroussky has chosen a masterpiece that he knows well, having sung the role of Sesto on numerous occasions, notably in the highly acclaimed Salzburg production alongside Cecilia Bartoli. As for the staging, we will welcome for the first time on Avenue Montaigne a Venetian who is used to the greatest European stages and who has undertaken his first Handel, Alcina, in the summer of 2019 in Salzburg with Ruggiero... Philippe Jaroussky. Everyone agrees on his ability to imagine delicate and highly effective dramaturgical worlds (his Barber of Seville for the Paris Opera is an irresistible visual translation of Rossini's frenzied score). His debut in opera seria with Alcina also showed his intelligence in giving coherence and emotion to the demanding arias da capo. On stage, a team familiar with the Théàtre des Champs-Elysées and this repertoire, led by a very fine trio of French women.

COPRODUCTION Théâtre des Champs-Elysées | Oper Leipzig |
Opéra National de Montpellier | Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse   Teatro dell’Opera di Roma 
En partenariat avec
France Musique broadcasts this opera

Avec le soutien de Madame Aline Foriel-Destezet, Mécène principale des opéras mis en scène au Théâtre des Champs-Elysées

Giulio Cesare in Egitto is the subject of a television recording directed by Yan Proefrock, co-produced by the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées and Oxymore and with the participation of France Télévisions and Mezzo. The show will be broadcast on, France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, CultureBox la Chaîne and Mezzo.

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