Lauréats du concours Chopin : que sont-ils devenus ?
Les concours de piano, ce sont un peu les JO de la musique... le concours Chopin est l’un des plus connus. On retrace le parcours de quelques lauréats, célèbres ou oubliés.
A tribute to Polish music past and present with conductor Lukasz Borowicz and pianist Rafal Blechacz.
Palester Wedding dances, excerpts from The Song of the Earth
Tansman Symphony No. 3 « Concertante » for violin, alto, cello, piano and orchestra
Chopin Piano Concerto No. 1 Op. 11
This Parisian concert reunites three Polish musical names past and present: the Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra, which has an impressive repertoire and musical heritage; conductor Łukasz Borowicz, a friend of the composer Krzysztof Penderecki; and pianist Rafał Blechacz, winner of the prestigious Chopin International Piano Competition, who cites Chopin as one of his favourite composers. Chopin’s classically constructed but headily romantic Concerto No. 1 will round off the evening , but we will also hear works by two other Polish musicians: an excerpt from a ballet by Roman Palester (1907-1989), pianist and composer of numerous film scores, and symphony by Alexandre Tansman (1897-1986), whose extensive catalogue (opera, symphonies, chamber music) and friendships with some of the greatest musicians of the 20th century (from Ravel to Bartók, Prokofiev, and Hindemith) secure him a place as a beacon of modern music.
Production Philharmonie de Poznan
En partenariat avec l’Institut Polonais de Paris et la Société Chopin à Paris
Les concours de piano, ce sont un peu les JO de la musique... le concours Chopin est l’un des plus connus. On retrace le parcours de quelques lauréats, célèbres ou oubliés.